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A Mindfulness Prayer for Stress Relief and More LIFE in Your Life

A Mindfulness Prayer for Stress Relief and More LIFE in Your Life

There’s always something to get done. But living like that’s all you’re here for — to do all the things — isn’t much of a life at all. It sucks the life OUT of you.

If you're addicted to being busy, too, just take a minute with this prayer for stress.

You’re here to live, really live, and nothing less.

Why is it so hard to let ourselves enjoy life while we’re living it, anyway? To take breaks? To celebrate what we’ve accomplished before we move on to the next thing?

Let’s stop.

At least, for a moment.

Read this mindfulness prayer.

Then you can go back to doing whatever you were doing, and feel good about whatever you decide to do… or not do… next.

FYI: bits of this prayer were inspired by affirmations from my books, Morning Affirmations and Sleep Affirmations. Get one for hope in the morning, and the other for peace at night.

Wishing you peace, right in the middle of everything.

There’s always something to get done. But living like that’s all you’re here for — to do all the things — isn’t much of a life at all. It sucks the life OUT of you. If you're addicted to being busy, too, just take a minute with this prayer for stress. You’re here to live, really live, and nothing less.

A Mindfulness Prayer for Stress Relief and More LIFE in Your Life

To the life energy that courses through every cell and soul,

May I feel your vital and giving nature as my own. May I feel myself as an expression and an extension of your infinite, easy flow.

Remind me about the stillness that’s underneath everything I do.

In all my rushing and doing, when I’m only half alive, give me another chance to savor and delight. Show me how to flow from one moment to the next. Show me how to use my heart as a guide again.

Lighten me like a breeze, right in the middle of everything.

Help me live the only way the universe intends: one day at a time.

Remind me that wherever I am, there I am entirely. That when my heart is open, I can hear the wisdom of my soul. I can hear the faintest whispers of the cosmos. I can sense the intelligence that springs from quiet trees. I can see beauty where others see nothing at all.

Prove to me that I am guided and connected, supported and protected, fluid and free.

Remind me to breathe.

When I’m only half living, show me again the beauty in simple things.

Tell me about how my heart beats in time with the entire universe and all of its creations. How what I focus on flowers, and I can’t be anywhere I’m not meant to be.

Reveal to me my own power to love who I am and honor where I’ve been, and still accomplish what needs to be done. It’s the same power that dissolves force into feeling. It’s the power of a long exhale that sparks freedom and healing.

Let me feel this season with every cell of my being. Let my actions spring from a deep-seated peace. Let me be thoroughly, wondrously, entirely here.

Me and this moment: let this be enough.

And so I am. And so it is.

. . .

Tell me:

Which part of this prayer really hit home for you?

Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know! Plus, what you share helps me help other people better. The ones like you who could use a break today.

~ Jen

P.S. For daily support, get my books Morning Affirmations and then Sleep Affirmations, and flip through each for the message that’s meant for you. Every day, every night.

There’s always something to get done. But living like that’s all you’re here for — to do all the things — isn’t much of a life at all. It sucks the life OUT of you. If you're addicted to being busy, too, just take a minute with this prayer for stress. You’re here to live, really live, and nothing less.

Comments on this post (6)

  • Aug 12, 2019

    Oh, Moira, thank you for saying that! It’s truly my pleasure and such an honor to be able to help in any little way I can with my words. Thank you for reading and sharing your favorite excerpt <3 love, Jen

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Aug 12, 2019

    I stumbled on your site and am so glad I did! You are a breath of fresh air when stress and loss have sucked the oxygen out of my soul. Beautiful. I loved these words:

    “Reveal to me my own power to love who I am and honor where I’ve been, and still accomplish what needs to be done. It’s the same power that dissolves force into feeling. It’s the power of a long exhale that sparks freedom and healing.”

    THANK YOU for your soulful wisdom.

    — Moira Lynch

  • Aug 06, 2019

    Ginny, thank you so much for reading and sharing my work in the world! What an honor. It means the world to me. I appreciate your support, and the work you’re doing — good luck with your book, how exciting! <3 Jen

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Aug 06, 2019

    Jennifer, thank you! I just found your site, and plan to share two of your offerings. First, on Tuesday, I want to share this mindfulness prayer with a weekly meditation class I teach. The following Sunday, I am going to read your creativity poem as part of a service I’m leading at a Unitarian Universalist church on creativity as a vital life force in us all. BTW, my site, though I haven’t been able to post anything there for a while, is

    — Ginny Sassaman

  • Jul 10, 2019

    Nancy, you are so welcome, and thank you for telling me this. It warms my heart knowing my books and words can bring you comfort and encouragement in a time of great need. It means everything to me, truly. <3 I wish you healing in every way you need it, and the same compassion you’re so used to giving others. ~ Jen

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Jul 10, 2019

    Thank you for the work you do, your books are beautiful and comforting, and tender…and this post is timely as I cope to reoccurring pain of a neurological nature, and increasing neuro-sensitivity, which was corrected after Spinal surgery last year, but seems to have returned quite intensely… I was a former Nurse, and it was special to me to care and help others, but not to easy to help myself as I have gotten older. I identify to being HSP, and as I sit with your books and words, they really resonate to caring and love, and are greatly appreciated…❤️

    — Nancy Effrig

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