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21 Journal Prompts to Help You Make Decisions with Integrity and Love

21 Journal Prompts to Help You Make Decisions with Integrity and Love

When you make decisions from a place of love, awareness, and integrity, they're decisions you can be proud of. Use these questions and prompts to help you identify the practices that’ll keep you true to who you are and how you want to show up in life. Use a journal and give yourself the time and space to reflect on your values.

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10 Affirmations to Help You Set Boundaries With Love

10 Affirmations to Help You Set Boundaries With Love

A large part of healing involves setting boundaries. Boundaries, in my own language, are the intersection at which I can take care of myself and be fully present with you. They’re guidelines for how I want to be treated and how I choose to respond. It’s when I don’t set those guidelines for myself that I lose myself in other people. Your personal boundaries communicate to others -- and to your own self -- what works for you and what doesn’t.

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How Do You Deal with Grief? This Person's Response Sums it Up.

How Do You Deal with Grief? This Person's Response Sums it Up.

I came across an article the other week that made me stop. Since I started writing openly five years ago, I've found a lot of incredible advice online on how to deal with grief. The advice I read in this article — taken from a Reddit thread — was spot on and beautifully put. I knew you'd understand & appreciate it too.

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Beautiful Poetry and Quotes about Death and Dying

Beautiful Poetry and Quotes about Death and Dying

Thinking about death doesn't need to be something we live our lives avoiding. There's a great fear of dying, but if we talk about it, and listen, we'd hear the truth: that "mostly it is loss which teaches us about the worth of things." It's why I find solace in these quotes about death and dying, and hope you will too.

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A Poem about What Prayer Is

A Poem about What Prayer Is

There are a million ways to pray, many roads we could take that would lead to the same place. There's one thing I feel to be true about it: no matter how you pray or what you pray for, prayer is a lot like love. Above all else, I hope this poem inspires how you love. In the end, it's all about how we've loved, isn't it?

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A Minute With You // A Poem about Grieving and Growing

A Minute With You // A Poem about Grieving and Growing

When someone you love dies, you know how hard it is to grow through that. No matter how long it's been. If you're intent on making beauty out of the pain they left behind, but you still can't help thinking how good it'd feel to trade everything away, for just a minute more with them, here's a poem for that.

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13 Good Reasons to Forgive Someone Who Hurt You

13 Good Reasons to Forgive Someone Who Hurt You

It's easy to say forgiveness heals, that it's for the injured and not the offender, but it's another thing entirely to forgive. Forgiveness is a process rather than an event. It's an unfolding decision, one you make again and again. But why forgive someone who's hurt you? Here are 13 good reasons to try.

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What Death Taught Me About Living

What Death Taught Me About Living

Death has a way of making you come face-to-face with your life. No words can capture the entirety of how loss shapes us. But until then, here are six truths I’ve learned through my own personal experiences of love and loss, grief and growth, survival and surrender, and 5 years of writing on the topic.

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20 Things You Don't Have to Do or Apologize For

20 Things You Don't Have to Do or Apologize For

Since I lost my brother to suicide, I've been a heck of a lot more aware about what works for me and what doesn't. I've learned there are things you don't have to do -- the sorts of things that chip away at your quality of life. I wonder if life has taught you some of these same things, too...

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25 Life-Changing Things I've Learned from Loss... So Far

25 Life-Changing Things I've Learned from Loss... So Far

Grief isn't linear; more like the tides or the seasons. The more familiar I get with it, the more I see that everything in life has its seasons... including YOU. Each season of grief has its own lessons and challenges, its own weather and mood. And each one has its place. That's one thing I've learned from loss so far.

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